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Bestsellers Titles: February

Month Bestsellers Items

Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century

In the twelve unforgettable tales of Lesser Known Monsters of the 21st Century, the strange is made familiar and the familiar strange.

Redwood and Wildfire

Redwood and Aiden journey from Georgia to Chicago to search for a place to be who they want to be.

These Deadly Games

A propulsive mystery with high stakes and devious, masterful twists that will leave you guessing until the very last page.

The Violin Conspiracy

This flawless debut will do for classical music what The Queen's Gambit did for chess.


Achingly beautiful, quietly defiant, and full of subtle wit and wisdom, Crushing is a story told in silence.


A deliciously dark fable of sex and power.

The Maid

A twist-and-turn whodunit, set in a five-star hotel, from the perspective of the maid who finds the body. Think Clue. Think page-turner.

Notes on an Execution

A searing portrait of the complicated women caught in the orbit of a serial killer. . . . Compassionate and thought-provoking.

Temple of No God

Epic fantasy followup to HALL OF SMOKE, featuring crumbling empires, secretive cults and godlike powers to be claimed.