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For Faculty


The library has made an effort to bolster our collection of digital library resources to include more electronic books (eBooks) and streaming video services. This page will introduce to the integration of library resources into your Canvas courses:

  • Library research guides
  • eBooks from EBSCO
  • Swank films
  • Kanopy films
  • Alexander Street Press films
  • Films on Demand Films
  • Adding our librarian to your Canvas course

Integrating Library Resources into Canvas

Many of the materials that the library provides are available for Canvas course shell integration. The following will help you navigate adding resources to Canvas:

Library Guides

You are able to integrate library guides (like this one) into your Canvas course shell. Visit Research Guides and Tutorials to see all the research guides, subjects guides, and course guides currently available. If you would like a course guide created for your course, please email Taylor at

To integrate a library guide into your Canvas shell, follow these steps:

  1. In a module, create a new page using the External Tool option and select the External Tool called "Library Guide."

  2. Open you’ve selected the Library Guide external tool, you will be able to select a guide from the library's guides. To select the correct guide, you'll want to choose Forrer Learning Commons Library Services in the first dropdown menu. After that, the site will ask if what Content Type you would like. A Full LibGuide will show the entire webpage and is likely the option you would like. A single page will only upload one page of the guide. Once you've selected the content type, you can select the guide you would like to embed. You can do this by searching for your course code.

    You can also include a list of all of the available library databases. To do this, select "A–Z Databases" from the dropdown in "Content Type." It will create a linked list so that students can go right there to access our library databases.

  3. Once you've done this, you are able to see the entire LibGuide embedded into the Canvas course shell:
  4. When you add a library guide as an external tool, it will automatically add it with the title of the guide, but you can go back and edit it to say "Library Guide" or something of your choosing by hitting the "three dots" next to the tool and selecting "Edit":

You can add a library guide to your Canvas shell in several other ways (as a page or an assignment), but the library's preference would be that you use the External Tool option, because we are able to keep statistics on the use of the guides when they are added as an external tool.

eBooks from EBSCO

In order to link to eBooks from EBSCO, you're going to want to ensure that you are using the permalink, as it will automatically authenticate for the student if they are signed into their Bridgewater Single Sign-On. To access the permalink, bring up the record for the material that you would like to add into Canvas. When you have the item pulled up, you'll want to find the "Permalink" option in the sidebar to the right-hand side of the record as seen in the image to the left.

 You'll want to select the "Permalink" option at the bottom. Once you've done this, a link will appear in the middle of the screen. Copy this link and paste it into your Canvas course with the copyright information, which should include at the very least the author's name and the publisher information. I suggest actually linking to materials using the APA or MLA citation. Not only will this ensure that copyright information is conveyed to the student, but it will also acquaint them with citations and help them when they need to read citations.

For example, I would include the eBook for Shakespeare and Superheroes in this way:

Jeffrey Kahan. (2018). Shakespeare and Superheroes. Arc Humanities Press.


While the resources included within the Pearson eText page are not technically library resources, they are eBooks that are available to you and for purchase to the students. To learn more about the Pearson eText options, click here.

Swank Digital Videos

Linking to Swank digital videos within your Canvas page is incredibly easy. To do this, you select the title that you're interested in sharing with the students and select the "Share" option. After selecting the Share option, you have two choices:

Embedding is not allowed for Swank Digital Campus, so please just link out to the content instead of trying to embed it within the page.

For more information about Swank Digital Campus and requesting a title through Swank, click here.


It is incredibly easy to embed a video from Kanopy into Canvas. To do this, select the title that you would like to include in your course content and select "Share." You can share through the link or by embedding (please do not choose to share through social media via the icons in the share link).

Alexander Street Press

There are two options for sharing a video from Alexander Street Press. Simply open the title you would like to embed into your Canvas course, and hit "Share" along the top. Once you've done that, you will have options for sharing:

  • Copy Permalink: this will just be a link to the item that can then be pasted into Canvas.
  • Copy Embed Code: this will be a link that can then be embedded into the Canvas course for students to watch directly there. Once this is copied, you will want to open the page into which you would like to embed the video and paste the embed code into the HTML editor.

Films on Demand

Embedding videos from Films on Demand is also incredibly easy. When you have found a video that you would like to include in your Canvas, simply hit "Share" below the video. This will bring up an email form. Instead of emailing the links to each student, select the "Embed/Link" tab. 

Adding Taylor to Your Canvas Course

If you would like to add a Taylor as a Librarian to your Canvas course, you can do this by following these steps:

  1. Open the "People" tab in the course.
  2. Once you open the "People" tab, select the Add People option:

  3. Add Taylor through her email address at

  4. After adding through email, Taylor will be notified and will be added as a contributor on your Canvas course shell. Until she accesses your course, her status in the "People" tab will be "Pending."

Adding Taylor to your Canvas course allows her to see your course content and add content to your course, such as a Library Guide. She will not be able to see students' grades or personal information beyond their name. The benefit of this is that students will be able to reach out to her easily by simply going to Canvas and emailing her through the inbox function of Canvas. When emailed through this avenue, Taylor will be able to see what course the student has reached out to her through and can look through course content to see what is being referenced, if applicable.

Have a Question?

If you have a question about digital library resources, please feel free to ask that in the form below or email Taylor directly at