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For Faculty

In collaboration with Instructional Design and the Wade Institute for Teaching and Learning, Library Services has developed a dedicated Pedagogy Collection. This collection can be found on the Main Level of the Forrer Learning Commons next to the Bestsellers Collection, by the Mac computers.

Developed from lists of books used across the nation at other colleges and universities, these titles have been recommended to take your teaching and learning to the next level. They are organized by subject:

Innovations in Higher Education

Whether it be traditional pedagogical updates or important skills outside of the classroom (like advising), these titles will take your career to the next level. These titles include classics in higher education pedagogy as well as innovative texts that will engage you in thinking about the way that you write your syllabus, teach, think about student learning, grade, and assess.

Trauma-Informed and Inclusive Pedagogies

Trauma-informed and inclusive pedagogy forces us to see our students as whole people, rather than just vessels for information dumping. Our students experience much outside the classroom and these traumas or marginalizations can keep them from performing their best. To support our students, we recommend the trauma-informed and inclusive approach of teaching. These titles will get you started.

Teaching the Generation Z Student

Each generation has their own unique interests and needs when it comes to learning. Generation Z, more than any other, prefers to learn by doing, so the "sage on the stage" method has slowly become obsolete and been replaced with the "guide on the side." These titles will help you better understand the unique needs of our Gen Z students.

Increasing Student Engagement

Through no fault of their own, our students today have significantly more distractions than we ever did, making the classroom seem boring (and maybe even obsolete). To combat their boredom, we need to create engaging learning experiences for our students. These titles, whether they are guides on promoting students to take ownership of their learning or provide classroom techniques to keep students engaged in their learning will support your teaching methods immensely.

Higher Education Today

It is no secret that the demographic cliff of higher education is coming—with a deep dip in childbirths during the Great Recession of 2008, our incoming classes of 2025 and beyond will experience a much smaller supply than what we have had in the past. These titles will introduce you to the topic and give you strategies for increasing engagement to support retention for the health of the college.