540-828-5642 research@bridgewater.edu 540-318-1962
Special Collections For assistance with primary sources related to:
540-828-8018 Stephanie Gardner
For this class, you will need to put together a research proposal. To start you will need to locate at least 5 peer-reviewed sources. This guide is intended to help you do just that.
Here's the basic steps for getting to those peer reviewed sources:
It can be really easy to pick a random topic for your assignment, but it can be difficult to develop it to the point where it is usable for a paper.
For example, if I wanted to write a research paper on soccer, that would be far too broad to feasibly write about for any assignment. For a topic like soccer, I would need to narrow down my topic. Topics pertaining to soccer could be:
There are a plethora of strategies for brainstorming: free writing, concept mapping, etc. The links below highlight each strategy, so you can find the one that fits with your mode of thinking.
Whatever your strategy don't forget to review what your professor has asked for you to do, so you can make sure that your topic is appropriate for the assignment.
Assignments often are written with a subject in mind, but are often too broad to work as a single topic for your project. You still need to choose a unique aspect of that subject in which to specialize your research. To do this you may want to:
Below are some additional resources to get you started.