540-828-5642 research@bridgewater.edu 540-318-1962
Special Collections For assistance with primary sources related to:
540-828-8018 Stephanie Gardner
Make sure you select strong keywords for your search. Databases don't understand full search phrases like Google does. If you are researching the following topic:
increasing secondary education students' motivation in physical education,
you will select the following words in the phrase as your keywords:
increasing secondary education students' motivation in physical education
Combine more multiple keywords with Boolean operator, AND:
secondary education AND motivation AND physical education
If there are common synonyms for one of your keywords, use OR:
secondary education OR high school AND motivation AND physical education
When you have a keyword that is more than one word, you will want both words to appear as a phrase to the database's search algorithm:
"secondary education" OR "high school" AND motivation AND "physical education"
Use the multiple search boxes to separate your keywords, so that your final search will look something like this: