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EDUC 406 Curriculum & Instruction Class Guide

Recommended Databases for Education Research

Please note: you can search Teacher Reference Center and Education Research Complete by selecting both in the "Choose Databases" tab above the search bars:

choose databases

Search Tips

Keyword Selection

Make sure you select strong keywords for your search. Databases don't understand full search phrases like Google does. If you are researching the following topic:

increasing secondary education students' motivation in physical education, 

you will select the following words in the phrase as your keywords:

increasing secondary education students' motivation in physical education

Boolean Operators (AND, OR)

Combine more multiple keywords with Boolean operator, AND:

secondary education AND motivation AND physical education

If there are common synonyms for one of your keywords, use OR:

secondary education OR high school AND motivation AND physical education

Phrase Searching

When you have a keyword that is more than one word, you will want both words to appear as a phrase to the database's search algorithm:

"secondary educationOR "high school" AND motivation AND "physical education"

Final Product

Use the multiple search boxes to separate your keywords, so that your final search will look something like this:

searching in databases