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ART 202 Non Western Graphic Design Class Guide


Search Tips for EBSCO

In order to get the most out of your research in EBSCO, try searching through both Academic Search Complete and Communications and Mass Media Complete simultaneously.

Here's how:

  1. Open Academic Search Complete.
  2. Select "Choose Databases."
  3. Select the appropriate databases from the list by clicking the checkbox next to each database. For this assignment, Communications and Mass Media Complete is recommended.
  4. Select "OK."
  5. Begin searching using keywords and database tools.

choose databases

For your keywords, ensure that you are using Boolean Operators. Some recommended uses of Boolean operators for this assignment are:

  • "graphic design"—you will get results about that particular phrase rather than results with graphic and design separated in different locations of the document
  • AND Korea—use AND to tell the database that you want resources that discuss "graphic design" AND the country that you have chosen to explore

Make use of limiters! They are are your friend. If you're only looking for articles from a specific country, for example, there is an option to limit results by "Geography":

graphic design search limited by geography