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HIST 120 The Pacific World Class Guide


For your Information Literacy Assigment, you'll need to find and examine one high-quality peer-reviewed journal article. Try searching in the library's Discovery service and limit your results to just peer-reviewed scholarly articles by selecting "Peer Reviewed" from the Content Type option on the left-side of the results screen:

Also try searching in the databases below, or try using the advanced search techniques described.

Relevant Library Databases

Boolean Searching (AND, OR, and NOT)

These three operators allow you to combine search terms and search more efficiently:

  • AND will produce results that contain BOTH terms (e.g. "Great War" AND China)
  • OR generates results that contain EITHER term (e.g."Great War" OR "World War One")
  • NOT results will include the first terms, but not the second ("World War One" NOT  "World War Two")

Phrase Searching (" ")

In databases, you can use quotation marks to isolate a phrase. For instance, if you're looking for resources on World War One, you will want to use quotation marks around that phrase to ensure that you get this exact sequence of words. For example:

  • searching World War One (without quotation marks) yields 75,000 results in the library catalog, while
  • searching "World War One" (with quotation marks) yields 1,200 results in the library catalog.