540-828-5642 research@bridgewater.edu 540-318-1962
Special Collections For assistance with primary sources related to:
540-828-8018 Stephanie Gardner
Start with a keyword search in a database or the library's catalog: find one or two items that match your topic and see what subject headings were used to describe them.
Start with a broad term (e.g. global warming) and browse through the related subject headings to see if there is one that matches your focus (e.g. Animals - effect of global warming on)
The same subject headings can be use in more than one source: the ones you use in the catalog will likely work in a database too!
Librarians love to organize information. One way we do this is by using subject headings. Since some subjects can be described using various terms (like cats or felines), librarians have come up with a standardized list, or controlled list, of subjects that can be used when describing resources. This list (known as the Library of Congress Subject Headings) provides the controlled vocabulary that every librarian uses when they describe the subject of a book, DVD, or any other object in the library's catalog.
Subject terms are very powerful. To use this page, it is recommended that you select the relevant subject term below and add a keyword of "nutrition to your search:
This will help you to get the most relevant sources for your assignment.
The easiest way to understand subject headings is to see it in action. The most convenient example is the library's catalog. When you pull up the full record of a title, it will give you the subject heading for that item hyperlinked, so you can search for other titles with that descriptor.
You also will find subject headings in many of our online databases (like Academic Search Complete), where they help organize thousands of articles. They may not utilize the same list of subjects as the Library of Congress, you can still approach searching them the same way as in the library's catalog.