540-828-5642 research@bridgewater.edu 540-318-1962
Special Collections For assistance with primary sources related to:
540-828-8018 Stephanie Gardner
How do you know if a title is an academic source or a popular source? What is peer review? What about the sources I find through Google?
An academic/scholarly resource:
A popular resource:
A web source:
You need a minimum of three outside sources for this assignment. Use the databases below to search for both academic and popular sources.
Don't get stuck only using Academic Search Complete during your time here at Bridgewater. If you're having trouble finding articles about your topic, it's often because you're using the wrong database.
Try searching using different databases that make more sense for your major. To do this, visit our A–Z Databases page and use the subject dropdown to select your subject. If you're having trouble determining what database to use, reach out to a librarian! Email us at research@bridgewater.edu.