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DMS 591/2/3 Project Class Guide

Try searching in library databases for information on parents and teachers of blind and deaf children. These databases are likely to help you find sources relevant to you. Many are education databases, as they are going to help you find information on children. As a starting point, try some of the search strings at the bottom of this page in these various databases.

Relevant Databases

General/Multidisciplinary Databases

Subject Specific Databases

Suggested Search Strings

To get you started, here are some suggested search strings to input in these library databases. To understand how these search strings are constructed visit the "Searching in Databases" page

  • To find more about parents of deaf children:
    • parent* AND (deaf OR "hearing impaired")
    • parent* AND ("deaf children" OR "deaf child" OR "hearing impaired child")
  • To find more about teachers of deaf students:
    • Educat* AND (deaf OR "hearing impaired")
    • Teach* AND (deaf OR "hearing impaired")
  • To find more about parents of blind children:
    • parent* AND (blind OR "visually impaired")
    • parent* AND ("blind children" OR "blind child" OR "visually impaired child")
  • To find more about teachers of blind students:
    • Educat* AND (blind OR "visually impaired")
    • Teach* AND (blind OR "visually impaired")