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FILA 150 Ignorance is Bliss Class Guide

Using Word Reference Manager

For this assignment, your professor would like you to use Word Reference Manager. This tool is designed to help you keep track of your sources and use them easily (and ethically) within your paper.

The below will explain how you can use Word's Reference Manager to create citations, use sources in-line, and create a Works Cited page.

Adding Articles to Reference Manager

Follow these steps to add an article that you've found to Word's Reference Manager:

  1. Select the References Ribbon
  2. Make sure that your style is set to MLA
  3. Select "Manage Sources"
  4. Select "New"
  5. Select Source type from the dropdown menu
  6. Input the bibliographic data for the source following the style of the example at the bottom of the window:



Your article will now appear in the Master List and the Current List. The Master List will include all citations you have ever added (so you can use them again), while the Current List will show the resources that you have used in this particular document.

Adding an In-Line Citation

When you're quoting or paraphrasing someone else's work, you must ensure that you include an in-line citation. Word's Reference Manager makes this incredibly simple. For more information on in-line citations, click here.

To cite something in-line, simply:

  1. Place your cursor where you would like the citation to appear
    1. For MLA, you will want this to be at the end of the sentence, but before the period
  2. Select the References Ribbon
  3. Select "Insert Citation"
  4. Select the appropriate citation
  5. An in-line citation will appear where you've indicated, but it will lack a page number, so you will need to add it in
    1. Select the dropdown arrow next to the citation
    2. Select "Edit Citation"
    3. Add the appropriate page number

Your in-line citation should look like this:

This is an example sentence with "an example direct quote from another source" (Johnson 30).

Note: if you reference the author's name in the sentence, you need not put it in the citation at the end of the sentence. Instead your citation will look like this:

According to Johnson, "this is an example direct quote from another source" (30).

Creating Your Works Cited Page

To create your Works Cited page, the first thing you're going to want to do is go to the end of the paper and hit CTRL+Enter (or CMD+Return on Macs) to create a page break and begin a new page.

Once you have the new page, follow these steps to create your Works Cited page:

  1. Select the References Ribbon
  2. Select Bibliography
  3. Select Works Cited
  4. Format according to your professor's expectations.

Having Trouble?

Email me at I would be more than happy to look over your citations or walk you through this process.