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For Students

What are the Honor's Projects?

An honors project is one in which a student researches a subject by examination of relevant literature or by experimentation or both; the student reports the results in an accurately documented and well-written paper or appropriate representation of the work. Whenever the study deals with the subject of an established course, the student is expected to go well beyond the usual work of the course in research and in assimilation of the results as revealed in the report.

Juniors and seniors with a cumulative grade point average of 3.40 or above may register for an honors project. One desiring to pursue an honors project must submit a written description of his or her proposed work to the chair of the appropriate department and to the vice president and dean for academic affairs by the first day of the semester in which the study is to be conducted. The application can be found on the Registrar's website. Students wishing to graduate Bridgewater as summa cum laude or magna cum laude must complete an honors project along with other qualifications.

At the conclusion of the honors project, the supervising professor files with the registrar a grade for the student and a description of the work accomplished. It is the student’s responsibility to provide the library a copy of the project in compliance with specifications above. The library arranges for binding and storage.

Honor's Project Submission

It is the student’s responsibility to provide the library a copy of the project in compliance with specifications below.

Directions for Paper Submissions to the Library:

  • Paper Projects should be submitted to Library Services by the last day of classes. The library arranges for binding and storage of paper copies.
  • Paper submissions of the project should be printed on good quality 8 1/2" x 11" paper (WEPA paper is suitable) that is neither stapled nor bound in any way.
  • Each page should have a 1.5" left side margin.
  • Each project should contain a separate title page that includes (at minimum) project title, degree award date, and author’s name.
  • Each project should include a copy of the Honor's Project application form with all necessary signatures.

Submissions to the Digital Commons

Please follow these directions if you wish for your project to be added to the Bridgewater College Digital Commons.

Go to the Honors Projects page in Digital Commons,
Click on “Submit Research” in the left column.
If you haven’t already, you will need to create a Digital Commons account. After you have your account, you will need to read the Non-exclusive Contributor Licensing Agreement (see link below), agree to it and supply the information requested on the Submission page, which includes
  • Title of project
  • Advisor name(s)
  • Degree Award Date e.g., Fall 2019
  • Keywords that describe your project
  • Discipline that describes your project (select from the available list)
  • Abstract of your project
  • Recommended citation for your project
  • If you wish for your project to be available for viewing beyond Bridgewater College IP addresses, please check the Force Open Access box
Upload your Word or PDF file of your project.
Please check the box for additional files and include a scan of your application form and any other additional materials such as poster presentations, photos, etc.
Click Submit.
Upload your application form and any other additional materials. Add Description of additional material. Click Save.
Click Continue.
You will receive an email when your project has been posted to the Digital Commons website.

Submitting your project to the Digital Commons confirms that you understand and consent to the terms listed in the following Licensing Agreement. Any questions related to the Agreement can be directed to Roberta Lowe.