The Library Research Award recognizes undergraduate students who demonstrate excellence and creativity in the completion of a research assignment that employs the use of library and information resources.
Submissions for the 2023 Library Research Award have closed.
Check back later for information on next year's award!
"Wartime Welfare Development: The British Beveridge Report and American Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill"
When considering documents to compare to the Beveridge Plan, a report renowned for establishing the British Welfare State, the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill is unlikely to come first to mind. In fact, it is often overlooked in secondary literature. However, an overview of primary sources indicates that the two are particularly connected. With the Beveridge Plan published in 1942 and the Wagner-Murray-Dingell Bill first introduced to the American Senate in 1943, both originated from the World War II era. In their proposals, their reception, and outcomes, both serve as illustrations of the course welfare development took in their respective nations. When examined in the context of each nation’s history of welfare development each serves as a lens by which the resulting welfare systems can be compared. In their content, both proposals called for extended and nationalized social security. In both cases, universal healthcare became a topic of concentrated focus. In their reception and application (or lack thereof) the Beveridge Plan and Wagner Bill revealed the forces at play that shaped the social insurance systems of each nation. In Britain, Labour successfully led the postwar Progressive movement, building off a history of past reforms. In America, conflicting interest groups stalled attempts at reform that perpetuated its exceptionalism in the realm of welfare development.
Completed for HIST 470 with Dr. Brandon Marsh
This article examines the relationships between substance abuse, criminal justice, and public health in the United States, with a specific focus on Medication-Assisted Treatment (MAT) within drug treatment courts. The analysis uncovers the limitations of punitive measures, particularly within the framework of President Richard Nixon's "War on Drugs," revealing the need for evidence-based solutions like MAT in criminal justice. The pivotal role of MAT in addressing opioid addiction within drug courts is explored in detail, and data is presented supporting its effectiveness. Despite this efficacy, persistent barriers to its implementation are identified, including stigma, policy constraints, and healthcare disparities. Legal scholars' varying opinions on MAT are presented and analyzed, revealing the necessity for increased education and training to dispel stigma and misconceptions surrounding MAT medications among legal professionals.
The article concludes by proposing a research design to address existing gaps in the literature, focusing on stigma as a barrier to MAT accessibility. The research design suggests conducting a survey of legal professionals, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders to gather data on the prevalence of stigma in different contexts, and the availability of MAT in drug courts. The research aims to inform evidence-based policy recommendations and targeted interventions that will increase the availability and use of MAT in drug treatment courts. In summary, this article not only identifies challenges within the drug court system but also proposes solutions, emphasizing education, policy reform, and targeted interventions to enhance MAT accessibility.
Completed for PSCI 470 with Dr. James S. Josefson
See the winners of the 2022 Library Research Award here.
Submissions must include the following documents:
Submissions for the 2023 Library Research Award have closed.
Check back later for more information on next year's award.
Submissions will be evaluated on three criteria:
The Judging Committee will include a librarian, the CEL Director of Student Research, and one faculty volunteer from each school.